floral abstract art on wall

The Wise Owl Art Studio

Sharing the love of art and inspiring others to create

abstract painting hanging on wall

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Welcome to the Wise Owl Art Studio!

I’m Susie, and I created the Wise Owl Art Studio to share my love for painting.  I’m mostly self-taught, and I love to experiment with different techniques.

On this journey, I second-guessed myself a million times, but I still love it!  I love painting, so I keep going. I’ve spent over 20 years working in engineering and operations, but I’ve always needed a creative outlet. Simply put, painting makes me happy!

You're probably wondering why I named my art studio The Wise Owl Art Studio. There is a story...When my daughter was losing her first tooth, it was hanging by a thread. She wouldn't pull it because she was afraid it was going to hurt. I finally convinced her to let me hold onto her tooth. Just to see how stuck it was. I just knew that if I could distract her, I could pull it out without a fuss. My window was closing... She wanted me to let go.

I quickly said, "You know, I was thinking about painting an owl on your wall. What do you think?" When she turned her head to ask what I was talking about, her tooth stayed in my hand! She was so surprised... She immediately knew that I had tricked her, but I was right! It didn't hurt at all.

I never did paint that owl, but she still jokes about me saying that I wanted to. Maybe I was plain lucky, but I have to admit I felt a little wise at that moment.

I suppose The Wise Owl has been a part of our family since that day.

My hope is that The Wise Owl can inspire you to follow your dreams, be yourself, and find the freedom and satisfaction that comes with those things too!


Creativity takes courage ~ Henry Matisse

Creativity takes courage ~ Henry Matisse

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